Thursday, 18 October 2012

UPDF soldier loses ammunition's as wife torches his house

UPDF soldier loses ammunition's as wife torches house.

By Robert Ariaka Yiti.
Arua. October 19, 2012.

A Private soldier identified as Charles Oblijo a UPDF soldier attached to Odramacaku detach along the border between Uganda Democratic Republic of Congo has lost three magazines with 90 rounds of ammunition's and other military equipments after his house was torched by his wife.

Other military equipments lost in the fire include two pairs of military boots, and three pairs of military uniforms. It is suspected that the wife of the UPDF soldiers one Mary Oblijo is the one behind the fire because before the incident, the due were involved in a domestic quarrel. 

The army spokesperson for West Nile region Lt. Mark Mutono who confirmed the fire inferno to our reporter on October 18, says the incident occurred on  October15, 2012 at 10:00PM, when the soldier and others had already gone for night patrol at Odramacaku border line.

He said after getting information that Oblijo’s wife was the one who torched the house, she was arrested by the soldiers and handed over to the Uganda police at Odramacaku police post and later transferred to Arua central police station.

Currently both the army and police are investigating the soldier and the accused to find out the circumstance under which the house and other military equipment’s got burnt so that anybody involved can be prosecuted for arson or any other charge that will be preferred against such a person.

The soldier who owns the hut that got burnt has not yet been arrested nor detained since the army claims the incident happened when he was on official duty.

This is not the first time a UPDF soldier attached to Odramacaku UPDF detach has lost military equipments in a fire accident. Two months ago, a fire outbreak in the same detach burnt the hut of Lance Corporal Martin Chekwot where he lost one Small Machine Gun with 120 rounds of ammunition.

Later it emerged that the house was also set on fire by his bonk mate after they violently separated forcing the army top officials to arrest the  soldier and currently he is facing prosecution before the unit disciplinary committee of UPDF in Arua.

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